Star Citizen News and Site Updates

18.01.2014 - Ship Module fixes

Ship Module needed few fixes to its code. Members of the corporation can use same credentials as in forums, but those credentials must be typed separately to ship module.

10.01.2014 - Fleet page

Now members of the corporation can use ship module to add their ships to corporation fleet. Whole fleet can be seen on fleet-page. Link to the ship module can be found in corporation community forums.

19.11.2013 - CIG sales has been started

CIG sales has been started and are rolling towards final sale day, 26th of November and that will end LTI sales all together. Yesterday there were M50 on sale and today is Origin M350R.


For more information when ships are coming to sale. Click the link

05.11.2013 - More functionality to website

Added fancybox function so images can be used better in the news.